Monday, March 19, 2012

Livinglight Is the new proposal of BTicino

Livinglight is the proposed new BTicino. A new residential series offers innovation, cutting edge design and technology. The new line comes from redesigning and improving the product range Living International, Light and Light Tech, returning to give impetus to successful flagship products, to meet new trends and to provide increasingly complex solutions for the sector residential and tertiary sectors.

Thanks to constant investment in research and development devoted to technology, materials and design, BTicino new offer full solutions. Extends the aesthetic choice and combinations of the line, thus responding to the needs of a market increasingly articulated in the stylistic and technological requirements. Livinglight design is divided into two complementary ways: Round and Square, characterized by clean lines and formal precision. Another innovative option is Livinglight Air, an ultra thin plate, which bears the thickness to a minimum, a perfect combination of technological research and aesthetic design of the slim lead.

Odd are the visual and tactile experiences of the series, thanks to the proposed new effects and finishes, such as silk, for a pleasant and precious feeling of silk, the naturalia or metals, with a contemporary reinterpretation and extraordinary light effects; plastics, effective extra-bright or transparent, for valuable suggestions. Experimentation with a strong original colors: a cutting edge of colors to shades and contemporary effects. It renews the whole project of the mechanisms. Proposed in the usual colors anthracite, white, and tech has completely revamped its design for a contemporary aesthetic and have enriched the axial version, combined with the plates Livinglight Air to strengthen its flatness.

Livinglight offer is not just variety, but also freedom of combination, to multiply the possibilities, all in a command and in relation to the needs of each. Shapes, colors, materials, mechanisms: variables combined to obtain the desired solution. And reinforced the usual perfect harmony with the automation BTicino, My Home. Livinglight saw even more control options to ensure comfort and well-being easily accessible and usable, thanks to controls and icons studied to be intuitive and closer to who uses them.

A technology including wireless, reprojected and updated to fit with more freedom to the many different domestic needs of today, installation and updating, which facilitates intuitive lFácil procedure to reconfigure facilities as needs may change over time. BTicino is technology and quality assurance. The attention to detail and the promotion of innovation is one of the signature stamps. Technological research and ability to understand users' needs have helped to develop products with electromechanical and electronic controls. Redesigned to improve performance, reliability and safety.

Bticino offers customers helpful solutions to facilitate a reduction in energy consumption in the residential area. Touch screen display and display products that enable domestic energy consumption, intelligently manage varying loads and to ensure light only when needed or regulate consumers intensidad.Concienciando uses of electricity used, allowing them the load control and reduced energy expenditure.

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