Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bticino MY HOME System

A BUS system is characterised by intelligent devices connected together by a signal line (BUS) dedicated both to exchanging information and to transporting the power supply voltage.
The physical support which regulates the connection and the power supply is generally made up of a cable with twisted and unshielded pairs to which all the devices of the bus system are connected in parallel.
The actuator devices, i.e. set up to control the loads, are connected to the BUS line and to the 230V a.c. power line for the power supply of the loads themselves.
Each device connected to the system has an interface circuit and its own intelligence (made up of a programmed microprocessor) by means of which the device can recognise the information intended for it and process it to perform the function required.
From the physical and functional point of view however BUS devices are not different from traditional devices.
To switch a lamp ON the user must always press a key which, in the case of a BUS device, activates the control device to send a digital signal directly to the actuator connected to the lamp.

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